
Artículos originales

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Medina Rico MA. Deseos al final de vida en pacientes con cáncer no curable: un abordaje desde la perspectiva del paciente. Bogota: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana; 2021.

Valdivieso, Y. Factores asociados al lugar de muerte de personas con cáncer a partir de análisis de datos administrativos, 2014-2017, Colombia. 2020. Disponible en:

Luna Meza A. Toma de decisiones prácticas médicas en el cuidado del final de la Vida del paciente terminal con cáncer: un abordaje desde la experiencia del personal de salud. Bogota: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana; 2020.

Posters y presentaciones

Poster 17th World Congress of the EAPC 2021 ID J-17. Medical End-of-Life Decision Making in Colombian Cancer Patients.

Poster 17th World Congress of the EAPC 2021 ID N-31. Decision Making in the End-of-Life Care of Cancer Patients: A Qualitative Descriptive Study from the

Poster 12th World Research Congress of the EAPC 2022 ID P03:31. Knowledge of end-of-life wishes by physicians and family caregivers in cancer patients.

Poster 12th World Research Congress of the EAPC 2022 ID P03:42. Perceptions of End-of-Life Care by Treating Physicians in Cancer Patients.

Factors Associated with the Level of Suffering of Deceased Cancer Patients Who Received Care at Three Institutions with Oncology Services in Colombia. The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.